The smartNode smart device is very similar to the smartWiFi and the smartBLE, except it relies on Node-RED as broker and front-end instead of Blynk.
Node-RED offers a flexible environment to acquire and process data, design and display a dashboard, and send commands. Node-RED runs on any computer and even on an Android-powered tablet. The dashboard only requires an internet browser, on the same computer or on a different one. The responsive design of the dashboard makes it suitable for any screen size. The device connects to the I²C port of the RoboTX and is powered by the RoboTX. |
Selecting the radio is no longer a criteria, as any radio protocol can be used, among WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE or sub-1 GHz to name a few.
Node-RED includes nodes for MQTT and Serial connectivity, but is extensible with additional nodes. In case of MQTT, the same terminal where Node-RED runs also hosts the MQTT broker. |
Finalised and Working Device
The device in encased inside the standard 9 x 3 cm red box with the I²C ribbon cable connected to the RobotTX.
Find more details about the functions at the I²C Remote Interface smartNode page. |