I²C Remote Interface smartNode
The smartNode smart device shares the same functions with the smartWiFi and the smartBLE.
Contrary to the smart devices relying on Blynk, smartNode allows to display multiple text outputs. As a consequence, sW_setText replaces sW_printText, with two inputs: variable number and text. The device connects to the I²C port of the RoboTX and is powered by the RoboTX. |
The first set of commands initialises and manages the connection to the server.
sW_begin initialises and connects to the server
sW_connect connects to the server
sW_disconnect disconnects to the server sW_version show the release version
The second set of commands sends and receives values, prints text on the screen and provides utilities.
sW_setValue sets and sends a value to a variable
sW_getValue receives and gets a value from a variable
sW_setText sends and prints a text.
sW_new returns true if a variable has changed sW_zero clears all variables |
Download the driver with an example for RoboPro.
This file is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |