I²C Remote WiFi Interface smartWiFi
What not leverage modern IoT tools to command and control a fischertechnik model?
The Internet of Things brings a new generation of command and control dashboards, operated remotely and featuring a nice interface and design. The interface runs on an Android- or iOS-powered smartphone or tablet and relies on the Blynk app. A WiFi LAN with an internet connection or a local server is required. The device connects to the I²C port of the RoboTX and is powered by an external battery. • Caution Device
Manufacturer: Rei Vilo
Break-out provider: Specification sheet: I²C address: 0x18 |
The first set of commands initialises and manages the connection to the server.
sW_begin initialises and connects to the server
sW_connect connects to the server
sW_disconnect disconnects to the server sW_local sets the IP address in case of a local server
sW_version show the release version
The second set of commands sends and receives values, prints text on the screen and provides utilities.
sW_setValue sets and sends a value to a variable
sW_getValue receives and gets a value from a variable
sW_printText sends and prints a text
sW_new returns true if a variable has changed sW_zero clears all variables |
Download the driver with an example for RoboPro.
This file is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |